Danil Kulminskiy

Olympiyskiy pr. 1, Sochi, 354340 Russia
Sirius University of Science and Technology
Sumenkov O. Y., Kulminskiy D. D., Gusev S. V.
Kinematic Calibration of an Industrial Manipulator without External Measurement Devices
2024, Vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 979-1001
This paper presents a practical approach to fully automated kinematic calibration of an industrial
manipulator. The approach is based on the principle of plane constraint. The electrical
signal is used to fix the moment of contact between the conductive tool and the flat surface.
The measurement data are manipulator configurations (joint angles) at the moment of contact.
A modification of the algorithm to deal with the scaling problem is also proposed. This
approach provides both high calibration accuracy and lower cost of the experimental setup compared
to coordinate measuring machines (CMMs), laser trackers, and vision systems. The article
examines the impact of various methods of kinematic parameterization of manipulators: the Denavit
– Hartenberg agreement (DH), product of exponentials (POE), as well as the complete and
parametrically continuous model (CPC) on the calibration accuracy. A comparison is made of
the open-loop and the proposed closed-loop calibration methods on the Puma 560 model known
in the literature. POE parameters were converted to DH and CPC to compare accuracy after
calibration based on these parameterizations. The method of computing POE-CPC transformation
as a solution to a certain optimization problem is proposed. The problem of identifying
geometric parameters in the presence of restrictions is solved by gradient optimization methods.
Experiments have been carried out on an ABB IRB 1600 industrial manipulator with an installed
conductive probe and an ABB IRBP A-500 robotic positioner with a conductive metal flat surface.
A technique for indirectly checking the accuracy of calibration of kinematic parameters
is proposed based on a study of the accuracy of manipulation when using these parameters.
A comparison is made of the manipulation accuracy when using four sets of parameters: nominal
parameters obtained during factory calibration with the Leica AT901B laser tracker and two sets
of parameters obtained by applying the proposed calibration method. The kinematic parameters
obtained from the experiment determine more accurately the position of the manipulator TCP
for part of the configuration working space, even for areas that were not used for calibration.
Kulminskiy D. D., Malyshev M. V.
Experimental Study of the Accuracy of a Pendulum Clock with a Vibrating Pivot Point
2024, Vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 553-563
The paper experimentally investigates the problem of the influence of periodic vibrations of
the pivot point of a physical pendulum on its nonlinear oscillations in the vicinity of a stable
equilibrium position on the vertical. The vibrations are assumed to be periodic and occur in
the plane of the pendulum’s motion along an elliptical trajectory. In the experimental plane
of parameters: the amplitude of pendulum oscillations and the parameter characterizing the
difference in the vibration intensity of the pivot point in the horizontal and vertical directions,
the values at which the pendulum clock gains and delays are selected. The experiment showed
that with a vibration of $7.0$ Hz, which is more intense in the horizontal direction, the oscillation
period of the pendulum angle increases by $0.017$ seconds compared to the pendulum’s natural
period. In contrast, with vibration more intense in the vertical direction, the period decreases
by $0.0164$ seconds. The experiments were carried out on an ABB IRB $1600$ industrial robot
manipulator with a developed pendulum and a reflector with a lens system for a laser tracker
installed at the end effector of the robot. Tracking of the trajectory of the pendulum pivot point
was carried out using an API Radian Pro laser tracker, the amplitude and frequency of pendulum
oscillations were recorded using a machine vision camera and image processing methods.